Saturday, December 22, 2007

saw something that made me laugh like shit.

"Are they drinking coffee or sniffing glue?"

STOMPer Muky said these two boys, who were seen loitering along the corridor of Block 235, Yishun Ring Road, at about 1am yesterday (Dec 20), seemed to be inhaling something from a plastic bag.

According to the STOMPer, he was about to go to sleep when he heard a boy shouting.

He said when he got up to check what happened, he saw the two boys walking along the corridor of the block opposite his.

"I zoomed in to capture this footage...the lighting was low so I enhanced it a bit in the replay," said the STOMPer in his email.

He noted that he wanted to call the police but the boys left before he could do so.

"Sniffing glue or drinking coffee? You be the judge," the STOMPer said.

and what followed afterwards was a stream of comments, condemning the 2 boys for their "supposed-glue-sniffing-act".

well anyway, 1 am, glue sniffing while walking? would anyone be able to walk properly while glue sniffing? or be as stupid as to sniff glue in the open even though its 1 am ? or, DRINK COFFEE OR TEH-PENG or MILO or ANYTHING? he always have to think of it the negative way.

still, i think this "MUKY" is too concerned ...or a better way to put it, KAYPOH.
well im also busybodying too right now, but not to the extent or holding a camera everywhere i go, and snapping pictures and sending them to this, whatever citizen journalist portal site, shits.

he even started a blog displaying the bad habits of singaporeans @.@
whether its been justified or not, he doesn't care.

in short,


that concludes on what i have to say bout MUKY, the kaypoh singaporean.


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