Tuesday, January 8, 2008

its not that i don't want to blog!
but im seriously doubting the number of viewerships on my blog...maybe its because im not interesting enough? O.O

but then, its like the feeling is random...the inspiration...the will to blog ...the will to kill someone who actually gave a pitiful excuse that an insult was actually a classic joke!

would anyone call a message, that actually referred to someone as a Son Of A Bitch, a classic joke?
and you can still be so cocky after all the apologies. She was right. you were just pretending to be apologetic . she wasn't even close to you, the things you did, know your limits ok? fatass.
don't give all those crappy cool words that you always pretend you know everything. its bullshit.
she had the right to relate all her personal stuffs to her close friend, and you complained bout it? who the hell do you think you are to her? guardian?

yeah. guardian of her craps.

so were you genuinely sorry?
you know how many of us hate and despise you after all that under work you have done? you call yourself a male when you dared to threaten a girl by blackmailing her with her photos?
online, you talked big. offline, you did the same.
but when it comes to reality, where are you?

looking for a time machine. =_________________________=

well i doubt you'd dare to do anything evil.

i'll rephrase that, your guts are only capable of cowardish evil acts. mohohohoho.

go screw the wall...i'll give you 10 bucks if your pole doesn't bleed.

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