Saturday, June 23, 2007

haha. just got back from oceans 13. love the movie...dam funny.

oh yeha, pics for the june chalet... pretty funny too. and can you believe it? we actually had a cake to celebrate the june babies and for STOMPs birthday too. chalet was at changi Halton D.. RIGHT next to OCH. @@
pics courtesy of ellsie and ferret ;
ellsie actually captioned this photo that i was comparing that hotdog with my $%#&*.
trying to scare them~ hawhawhaw.
studies are more important .____.
hamtaro(bassist of COS™)
helping to give the cake the first blood since everyone was so engrossed on winning eleven...~
portioning everything...thats twinkie , waiting for her share~

hahaha. yeah...did a lil bit of barbecue. then played with sparklers. i was dam hyper on that day. we used the sparklers to burst the ballons and i was like grabbing the sparkler(S) , running down the pavement, "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" burst the ballons by the lamp post, then "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" back to the chalet. LOL.

wanted to take a picture to show baby. but held the sparklers too close it actually burnt my face. ok not really burnt, but kena the stinging feel.
carol(vcl of COS™) and firethorn(guitarist of COS™)

OH LOOK. ITS DEARY. LOOK LOOK LOOK @@ wanna take a bite?!

haha. had a great day. that sums it all~ cheers all! <3 you

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