Sunday, October 26, 2008


realised i haven't been updating for a long long time. trainings are slack, exams are coming, exams are coming also (wait, did i mention exams twice?)

yes, my 3rd retake of O levels and BPT exams are nearing. O Levels have already started, with BPT exams nearing. gotta pass'em all.

people always thought firing a gun is so easy. here, i shall share a lil bit of experience on shooting a gun with a live round. (DISCLAIMER: information shared are from the shooting experience i had when i was a Cadet in NPCC.)

aiming a gun, shooting it, the lead bullet fires off, propelled by the sudden expansion of gas caused by the gunpowder and primer. however, the bullet doesn't hit the spot you originally aimed for.
(its true by the way. shooting a gun like a marksman is not as easy as you may think people in movies do.)

so anyway, my point is that, if you're aiming for something in life, always aim for the best. don't be discouraged if the final conclusion you got wasn't of satisfaction. go ahead, go for another go. persevere, don't give up and keep on aiming for the best.

its not how good you do, its the amount of effort you put in. if it still isn't good, be wise and try another alternative. always give your 110% when you do something.

went for a movie today, max payne. great game, dissappointing movie. had a great day with darling :DD
auditions tomorrow afternoon. not that stressed this time though. muahaha.

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