Thursday, April 22, 2010

when your mom asks you to finish up your food, better finish it up or the food will turn bad and the next thing you know, your dad will nag at you.

So I was thinking, my service ends in a few months time.
Not only me, Ernest and I will be ending our 2 years of national service on the month of September.

Whats next? Footman is heading off for NTU and while I tend to give excuses that I don't wish to talk about it, the truth is I have already made up my mind. Be it a straight road to stability or a dead end, I am going to finish walking it. How long will I have to walk? I have no idea. No one can predict the events that will take place in the future, fortunate or unfortunate.

Live life to the fullest, thats what they say. Its a common phrase among people.
On many occasions, I was always oblivious to the many things around me. What I've said, my actions and down to every little thing that I've done.

I should take some time off. I should do some self-reflection. I should avoid everything, for now.

My knowledge in English is minimal and I do not wish to embarrass myself any further.

Once again, this space shall be neglected for some time.

Sorry people. I'm sorry. But I hope, that I'll be a much pleasant friend to all of you, when I'm back.

Till then, see you when I see you.

Goodbye, World.

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