Thursday, April 24, 2008

here is a post dedicated to kesh, my bassist.

bro, i know you're pretty stressed out in the band. you've done your best and have been practicing hard for the past few months. i know due to davin's presence, you feel extremely pressured.

you felt mediocre compared to the rest of us.
as a drummer, it is easy to feel the groove and free jam cos drummers are flexible in the different beats and rhythms but this can only happen with exposure and experience.
we all need time to feel the dynamics as a band for its been long since we played togethe

i'm not sure if you'll ever read this, but please don't feel left out anytime alright bro?
we're still a band as always.

Self-Memo : 
To me, a drummer is someone who has to be constantly calm no matter what happens. I have this image in myself that even if everyone's sound just cuts off at once the drums needs to keep going. Even if it is a technical problem, the drummer is the person who at that moment needs to keep the song going in your head and go back and keep playing.

happyface :D

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