Thursday, April 24, 2008

i found this photo to be extremely hilarious. haha! nvm the fact that maddys face wasn't shown and fk was simply acting retard :X

it was extremely hot yesterday and my fan was on to the max. didn't want the air con cos, save electricity

:D happy face

looked behind me and saw this beautiful (ok i'm not trying to be bhb here bout my room or anything) scenery from my balcony. the sun was just at the right position, it emits this hawaiian atmosphere. LOL.

ignore the pair of jeans that was being hung there. hahaha
photoshopped photos of course, i had to enhance it since phone camera quality isn't enough to capture it very well, still looks nice though. haha i was a graphic designer ok!

so looking through the drawer, i found shells for my shotgun. used for shooting birds so i can have them for dinner.
look, my inventory of ammunition >=)

ok i was kidding. they're actually boxes of batteries my dad bought cheap from some place. 2.80 for all of that, can you believe it?

but its of an alien brand, called POWERBOND. thats more for like, glue products?? but anyway, its bound not to last long so i'm gonna use it for backup purposes to charge my phone during MCM.

with this! :D happyface

this thing operates with just one AA battery. doesn't charge much, but definetly useful when your phone is out of juice.

i guess thats all i have for today, gotta go do my daily situps and pushups...lalala

:D happyface

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