Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A clear example

Look @ this, its taken off from lassegs's profile on youtube.

I'm a poor animator, money wise.

It's very black and white when it comes to most things with me. Either very good, or very bad.

Even if I want to or not, I'm constantly trying to figure out why things are. I'd like to know what the hell we're doing here. I want to know why the world exists. Why? Because I have a human brain! So do you! Use it!

The world is actually a wonderful place, and we should feel extremely honored that it's been given to us. No, I'm not talking about God, or Allah or Vishnu or Santa Claus here, but the mere fact that we are here, and the chances of that are just impossible to explain. What is easy to explain though, is why it sucks. The world itself is superb! We're not..

We have the power to mold the world exactly how we'd like it to be, and sadly, instead of building playgrounds, we're making battlefields. We're doing so many things that makes life completely unnecessarily hard to live through, above all the perverse exploitation of power, as in religion and consumerism; two things that have done nearly nothing, other than deceiving people into living unfulfilled lives. All in all, these, and most other cruel aspects about life, can be narrowed down to one thing, which is greed, and not just the good old natural greed necessary for survival, no, I'm talking about human greed.

Listen, it's very simple:

In order to be good, you have to be so to another being. In other words, not greedy.

A four year old kid can tell you that, so why the fuck is it so hard for adults to understand that?!!

Then again, sometimes, I just think the meaning of life is not to think about the meaning of life.

And now..


Before contacting me about using my work in advertisement or wanting me to work for you, please read this first:

A long time ago I promised myself never to do commercials. That's because I don't think it's right to push, usually unnecessary, products on fellow human beings. I'm not very fond of advertisement because I think it's fucking annoying, and in my eyes a cruel and irresponsible way of marketing. If you marketing people haven't thought through what you're doing before, I'll try to make it clear:

Advertisement is basically doing two things:

1) It keeps the fat monster called consumerism alive. A man made invisible entity that's slowly eating the souls of human beings, making them greedy, unfair, ignorant and dumb, that in the longer run leads to poverty and hate, that again leads to suffering, violence, death and war. It also leads to excessive exploitation of the natural resources, WHICH BY THE WAY WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN, that again leads to unnecessary pollution, all of which will eventually have one outcome: The fall of mankind.

2) Making some people unnecessarily rich.

So, if you have just a tiny little portion of dignity in your heart, stop making this world even shittier than it already is, and do something useful and helpful instead! If your unable to do so, please, for loves sake; KILL YOURSELF!

In addition to this, I do consider myself an artist, with a conscience and a soul! I will not use my (so called) talents to promote consumerism goddammit!! I'd rather suck dick for money, knowing that I wasn't responsible for any of the things I've described above..

So if you ask me to do a commercial, you're offending me, and if you steal my ideas, like some advertisement companies have already done, I sincerely hope that you'll get some kind of horrible decease so that you'll slowly die in front of your crying families, shitting and pissing yourself as you're being sent into the next dimension, while everything is being filmed and put here on youtube, so that we all can celebrate that there's one less waste of human flesh in this world.

Ahem, ok, sorry kids, I am one of Bill Hicks goat-children. 'More father, moooore..' 

And in case you don't know who lasseg is, heres one of his works:

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