Thursday, February 11, 2010

"No," says the Man in blue

 The day the tooth fairy paid a visit.

on the other side....

So I see the current mindset that you have now. I underestimated you. For that, I take off my hat and bow to you with sincere humbleness.

Had a long talk with Raphael during my night shift. Thanks bro, you really opened up my mind to inifinte options that I could have chosen and I can choose. When we view things from a different perspective, it can be different. The world is big, there are many different kinds of people out there so why take the plunge now?

It might seem like a rhetorical outburst from me all of a sudden but sometimes I do wonder how practical and "socialised" can one be. I start to ponder.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to individual characteristics and preferences.

And you ma'm, still have a place in me thats why I care.

Doods, I'm sorry I have to leave you out of this one. Its my personal problem that I've gotten myself into. Don't worry, nothing is going to go wrong. I just need some time out and sort things out myself.

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